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Birth Stories

Here at Central Coast Hypnobirth, we love to hear about the positive pregnancy and birth  journeys our families have experienced. Below are some stories from our Central Coast parents who have used the Hypnobirthing Australia program. Birth journeys are different and unique to each family, we thank all families for sharing with us their positive birthing experiences.

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''He came racing into the world after only 3 hours of labour! There wasn't time to even get my candles out, but I listened to the tracks whilst at home and in the car. All of the advice and knowledge you gave us through the Hypnobirthing Australia course , I don't think I could have done it without your help!....I did it completely naturally, I didn't need even gas and air, so thank you so much!

- Penny & Gavin

We welcomed our beautiful little girl last night. After a very long labour, and few small changes to the birth plan - but a beautiful birth and Hypnobirthing 100% got me through, especially the more challenging periods. Thanks for the course and all of your support.

- Central Coast Family

Amy and Andy.heic
Unit 1 Creating & maintaining a positive mindset (16).png

We just wanted to wholeheartedly thank you again for sharing all your wisdom and tools with us, being guided through this portal by you is so divine and I feel incredibly supported and endlessly grateful to have met. you. Feeling SO excited for the birth and all that is to come.

- Danielle & Kevin

I ended up going into labour naturally, I had a long 33hr labour in total and used ALL the Hypnobirthing techniques to get me through.

I got to 7cms with gas and air before I asked for an epidural. It was not what I originally wanted but it felt right and I am happy with the way my birth  went! My husband was amazing and the course really helped him on the day!

I used my down breathing, and he was born with just 5 pushes!

Thankyou again for sharing your experiences and empowering us to have such a magical birth !


- Leanne & Liam 

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